
Donations are needed to cover the cost of research, writers, graphic artists, archival image fees, photographs, photographers, video graphics, paper, printing, plus distribution, along with website costs and a myriad of other everyday fees.
In 2018, our project was made entirely possible by one prominent individual Mr. Jim Haslam, Army veteran, and my personal commitment of six months of time plus my personal financial support. We are making a major move forward to educate and inform our young people about Pearl Harbor and now in 2023 running an insert in the Knoxville News Sentinel on Thursday, December 7th. We need your help.
Please donate generously for this worthy cause.

This website and magazine production is made possible by companies, foundations, donors, and readers alike who believe that we need to remember that the past is important and are willing to take action by chipping in to fund our annual Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance. Thanks to your support we are proud to continue and ever expand.

Please note that Pioneer Productions is the authorized agent to produce the Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance program guide.